IKA 자석 교반기
IKA Plate (RCT digital)
IKA Plate (RCT digital) – the new magnetic stirrer from IKA, recommended by scientists of the Scripps Research Institute: Phil S. Baran and Jin-Quan Yu.
The first magnetic stirrer with a lifetime warranty
IKA SmartTemp® – keep reactions and chemists safe
Integrated timer / counter for the control of kinetics sensitive reactions and reminders
A stirplate that improves over time with firmware updates via USB
사용 범위
IKA Plate (RCT digital)
PT 1000.60 스테인리스강 온도 센서
IKAFLON® 30 자석 교반자
IKAFLON® 40 자석 교반자
Screw driver
USB cable
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